Plan For Your Future Tomorrow


Living Wills Attorney in Oakland, California

Creating a living will is a critical aspect of planning for the future, especially when it comes to making healthcare decisions that align with your values and wishes.

As an estate planning attorney practicing in California, I’ve found that helping clients with living wills is one of the most fulfilling parts of my job. My background in elder law and incapacity planning has given me the tools and knowledge to guide clients through this process. T

his journey isn't just about legalities; it's about peace of mind for you and your loved ones. Let’s take a detailed look at what creating and executing a living will entails.

The Basics of a Living Will

A living will, also known as an advance healthcare directive in California, is a legal document that outlines your preferences for medical treatment if you become incapacitated and can’t communicate your wishes. This document helps your healthcare providers and loved ones know your preferences, reducing the emotional burden on your family during difficult times. It essentially serves as your voice when you can't speak for yourself, making sure your wishes are respected. 

When I meet with clients for a free consultation, I take the time to explain the importance of a living will. Many people assume that a living will only covers decisions like whether to continue life support, but it can also include preferences for pain management, organ donation, and other critical healthcare choices.

By understanding the full scope of what a living will can encompass, you can make more informed decisions. My goal is to educate clients so they feel empowered to make informed decisions about their future.

Discuss Your Options


Drafting Your Living Will

Drafting a living will involves more than just filling out a form; it requires careful consideration of various medical scenarios and your values. During a consultation, I ask clients to reflect on their beliefs and discuss them with their loved ones. This conversation is essential because it helps make sure that the living will accurately reflects their wishes. Each detail matters and can significantly impact your care in critical situations. 

As we draft the document, I use my experience to guide clients through the legal language and requirements. In California, the advance healthcare directive form is standardized, but there are sections where you can specify your preferences in detail. Specificity in these preferences can prevent misinterpretations and conflict among family members.

I encourage clients to be as specific as possible to avoid any ambiguity. This step is crucial because clear instructions can prevent disagreements among family members and make sure your wishes are honored.

Choosing a Healthcare Agent

One of the most important aspects of a living will is appointing a healthcare agent. This person, also known as a durable power of attorney for healthcare, will make medical decisions on your behalf if you’re unable to do so.

Choosing the right person for this role is vital because they’ll have significant responsibilities. It's a decision that should not be taken lightly, as it requires trust and confidence in their judgment. 

During our meetings, I help clients think through their options and select someone they trust implicitly. It’s often helpful to discuss this decision with the potential agent to make sure they’re comfortable with the responsibility.

This discussion can reveal any concerns or hesitations they might have, which is crucial for making an informed choice. Additionally, I advise clients to name an alternate agent in case their primary choice is unavailable. I aim to make sure clients feel confident in their choices and understand the role their healthcare agent will play.

Legal Formalities and Signing

Once the living will is drafted and the healthcare agent is chosen, it’s time to finalize the document. In California, the advance healthcare directive must be signed by the individual creating it and either witnessed by two adults or notarized.

As part of my service, I often arrange for the witnessing or notarization to make the process as smooth as possible. I find that taking care of these details helps clients feel more at ease with the process.

I take pride in making sure all legal formalities are followed meticulously. This attention to detail is crucial because any mistakes in the execution of the document can lead to challenges down the line. Such challenges can undermine the document's validity and your wishes. My experience as an estate planning attorney helps me foresee potential issues and address them proactively.

Communicating Your Wishes

After the living will is signed and legally binding, the next step is to communicate your wishes to the relevant parties.

As an estate planning attorney, I typically advise clients to provide copies of the document to their healthcare agent, primary care physician, and any other medical professionals involved in their care. It’s also a good idea to discuss the contents of the living will with close family members to avoid any surprises in the future. This proactive communication can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts during stressful times. 

I often emphasize the importance of open communication. While it might be a difficult conversation, discussing your living will with your loved ones can provide peace of mind for everyone involved.

Knowing your wishes can give your family members a sense of relief and clarity. It makes sure that your family members are aware of your preferences and can support your healthcare agent in carrying out your wishes.

Regularly Reviewing and Updating Your Living Will

Life circumstances and medical technologies change over time, so it’s important to review and update your living will periodically. I recommend clients revisit their advance healthcare directive every few years or after significant life events, such as a major illness, divorce, or the death of a loved one. Regular updates keep the document relevant and reflective of your current wishes. 

During these reviews, we can discuss any changes to your preferences or update the healthcare agent if necessary. This ongoing dialogue means your living will stays in line with your evolving circumstances. Keeping the living will current makes sure that it remains a true reflection of your wishes.

My practice is flexible, allowing clients to schedule follow-up consultations at their convenience. This ongoing relationship helps maintain the relevancy and accuracy of their estate planning documents.

The Role of an Estate Planning Attorney

As an estate planning attorney with extensive experience, my role is to provide guidance, education, and support throughout the entire process of creating and carrying out a living will.

From the initial consultation to the final signing, I strive to make the experience as straightforward and reassuring as possible. I understand that this process can be overwhelming, and I'm here to help. 

I’m committed to spending as much time as necessary to understand each client’s unique situation and needs. This personalized approach makes sure that the living will we create is tailored to your specific circumstances. By taking the time to understand your unique situation, I can offer the best possible advice and support. Additionally, I’m available to answer any questions and provide clarity on any aspect of the document or the process.

If You’re Interested in Securing Your Family’s Future, Reach Out

I've been working as an estate planning attorney with clients to help meet their needs in Oakland, CA, and throughout the Bay Area including Berkeley, Alameda, Emeryville, Rockridge, Piedmont, Fruitvale, Fremont, San Jose, San Francisco, and beyond for over three decades. From probate law and trust administration to establishing a trust or will or a power of attorney — I've got the knowledge and skill to craft a solution that suits you. 

I can also assist with other services, such as outlining end-of-life medical care. This is an important step to guarantee your wishes are carried out when you're facing grave medical circumstances. If your needs involve any of these services, please reach out to the Law Offices of Gary R. Kershner today for a detailed free consultation.